dimanche 20 septembre 2009


"Agua Marina" groupe de musique Cumbia très in depuis 20 ans

"Agua Marina" a group that's been playing Cumbia since 20 years

PIMENTEL - Petit village de pêcheurs et destination touristique l'été pour ses plages sur le Pacifique.

PIMENTEL - Little fishers village and a tourist destination in summer with nice beaches at the pacific.

Qu'est-ce donc? ...

What could this be?...

Des bateaux de pecheurs en roseaux.

Fisher boats made out of reeds.

Chiclayo is a city approx 15km from the pacific. Sipan and Sican sites are to be visited in the area. Very interesting for the history of Peru.

Tombe de El Señor Sipàn

Mr Sipan's grave

Echope pour chaman au marché de Chiclayo: plantes medicinales, amulettes, elixires, animaux morts ( là c'est une tête de condor qui pend!) et autres bizareries...

Shaman stand at the market in Chiclayo: medicin plants, amulets, elixilres, dead animals (here you can see a head of a condor hanging) and other really wired things....

Nos hôtes et amis, Carlos et Micheal

Our hosts and friends, Carlos and Michael

Treck Gran Vilaya

Treck de 4 jours
1er jour: arrivée dans la vallee Huaylla Belèn de 3200m à 2800m - 2eme jour: 2 heures de Cheval ,visite des ruines de Gran Vilaya puis 5h de marche jusqu'à Congon de 2800m à 3200m à 1500m - 3eme jour: 7h de mules puis 2h de marche dans les montagnes pour arriver a Choctamal de1500m à 3200m à 2800m - 4eme jour: visite des ruines de Kuelap à 3000m.

4 day trek
1st day: arrive in the valle Huaylla Belen walk from 3200m.s.l to 2800m
2nd day: 2h horseriding, visite the ruines of Gran Vilaya and then 5 hours walk to Congon from 2800m to 3200m to 1500m
3rd day: 7h muleriding in the mountains plus a 2h walk to arrive in Choctamal frpm 1500m to 3200m to 2800m
4th day: visit the ruines of Kuelap at3000m.s.l
En bas dans la vallee, la petite tache blanche... c'est la maison où nous avons dormi
The white spot in the valley....that's the house we slept in

Vallée Huaylla Belèn, lieu magique digne d'un conte fantastique.

Vallée Huaylla Belèn, a magical fairytail place

Ballade a cheval sur les chemin Inca et pre-Inca...

Horseriding on Inca and pre-Inca trails

Ruines de Gran Vilaya

The Gran Vilaya ruines

Camino Inca

Graines de café, Gringa!

Coffee grains and a Gringa!

Las Mulas, beaucoup plus efficaces que les cheveaux dans ces chemins très accidentés mais il faut les stimuler, "Atcho!!"

Las Mulas, much better than horses on the very dangerous trails but you need to stimulate them with calls like "Atcho!!"

Camino Inca
Pause picnic bien mérité... Ca fatigue le mule
Well deserved pick-nick brake....Riding a mule is very tireing

KUELAP - Forteresse pre-ince de la culture Chachapoyas construite au Xe siècle.
KUELAP - A pre-inca fortress built by the Chachapoyas culture in the Xth century.

Manuel, notre super guide pendant ce treck mais aussi notre prof d'espagnol !
Manuel our great guide during the trek and also our spanish teacher!


Gocta est la troisieme plus haute chute du monde, 771 m. Impressionante!
Gocta is the 3rd highest waterfall in the world. 771m. Very impressing!


We went from 356m.s.l to 2356m.s.l to the beautiful village of Chachapoyas. We now have left the warm jungle to find much lower temperatures and mountains. Heidi is feeling very well here.

KARAJIA - Sarcofage de personnages important de la culture Chachapoyas. Sur leur tête le crâne de ceux qu'ils ont vaincu
KARAJIA - Sarcofage of important people from the Chachapoyas culture. On there heads you can see the skull of the previous winner
Ils sont oú?
Where are they?

Paves d'adobe qui sèchent au soleil; materiau servant a la construction des maisons.
Cobblestones of adobe that dry in the sun; the material used to build houses.

"Los Pueblos de los Muertos" village pre-inca accroché a la falaise datant de -1100 Av JC. Ne pas regarder en bas, ne pas regarder en bas...
"Los Pueblos de los muertos" a pre-inca village built into the mountains at 1100 b.c. don't look down, don't look down....

Who can guess what this is?
Qui devine ce que c'est?


Petite ville du bassin amazonien mais on sent deja venir les Andes. Cle faisait plus d'un mois que nous n'avions pas vu de relief.

Little town still in the Amazon basin but you can already see the beginning of the andes. The first time in over a month we see hills/mountains.
San Antonio dit le "Village des raisins"
Little outing to the very cute "village of raisins" St. Antonio

Indigènes du village de Lamas ou ils parlent le Quechua.
Indegenous people in Lamas. You really don`t understand a word when they speak Quechua

dimanche 13 septembre 2009


Our first city in Peru. Alot of tours can be done from here to the jungle, which isn`t the same as in Brasil. The spanish influence is very big here and of course you can find a Plaza de armas, which is on the top picture. People are very friendly and finally we can use our spanish.

vendredi 11 septembre 2009

Si si, ce sont bien des larves...
Yes yes, it is an insect larva....

Aéroport d'Iquitos... Sans commentaire...
Iquitos airport.......No comment