mercredi 25 novembre 2009
Isla del sol,Titicaca
La légende dit que ce serait des eau du lac Titicaca qu'aurait émergé le premier empereur Inca Manco Capac, fils d'Inti ( soleil en Quechua)
The legend sais that it is here that the first Inca Manco Capac emerged as son of Inti (Sun in Quechua).
Le lac est si grand qu'on ne voit pas l'autre rive.Ce mélange de bleus, ça pourrait être Nice non?
The lake is so big that you can't see the shore on the other side. That mixed with the blue of the water, it could be Nice, no?
Temple utilisé une fois par an par les nobles de Cusco, il est nommé Le "labyrinthe de Chinkana" car chaque pièce communique avec la suivante pour mieux capturer les energies spirituelles de la priére.
This ruines are called the "Labyrinth Chinkana". These was to capture the energy and the prayers.
Once a year the nobles from Cusco would come here to pray.
Non, ce n'est pas le Var! Même si nous nous sommes un peu senties comme à le maison pour un court instant.
No, this is not the Var. Even if we did think for a moment that we were at home...
mardi 24 novembre 2009
El valle sagrado
La forteresse de Cusco. Construite sur trois niveaux dont le premier est composé des plus grosses pierres pour supporter lepoids des deux niveaux supérieurs. Le site comporte également des tunnels encore inexplorés qui seraient en connection avec les autres sites de la Vallée sacrée, dont le Machu Picchu. Un étudiant a tenter une expéditions, il n'en est jamais revenu...
Built as a forteress for Cusco. Constructed on the floors. The first floor has the bigest stones to support the weight of the two rows above. Unexplored tunnels go from here to the Machu Picchu. One student went to explore at one time and got lost...
Vue de la Plaza de Armas de Cusco depuis Saqsayhuaman
View from Saqsayhuaman on the Plaza de Armas of Cusco
Bains thermaux
Is a site that was used for baths and to relax
Construit en forme de perdrix. En dehors des murailles se trouve une village non-inca. Les Incas ont envahir des territoirs mais ont su vivre aux côté des peuples conquis sans les détruire, en leurs enseignant même leurs techniques de culture et de construction.
Built in form of a partride. Just outside of the walls was a little village of non-Incas. They were said to live together in peace and that the Incas showed them how to work in the fields and build walls/houses
Ancien centre de recherche agricole Incas. Chaque terrasse reprensente un microclimat différent permettant d'expérimenter différents types de culture. Une différence de 5 degrés a été observée entre le haut et le bas.
Experimental agricultur place of the Incas. On each floor they grew something different. The difference in temperature from top floor and the bottom floor is 5 degrees
Inca steps
Ollentaytambo. The said only village that is built on original Inca foundations.
Le temple de l'eau
The water tempel
Ce week-end là, le village fêtait ses 49 ans comme capitale du district. Nous avons donc pu assiter à l'élection de Miss Maranura 2009 et le lendemain soir nous avons bu des bières et dansé au concert sur la place du village de la fameuse Sonia Morales.
Ces quelques jours furent merveilleux avec des gens vraimant attachants! Muchas Gracias!
At the busstop in Ollantaytambo we start to chat to a local lady called Clotilde. We wanted to get to Santa Maria and would've arrived in the middle of the night. So Clotilde envites us to her house for the night and the day. We accept with delight. We end up spending three days and nights with her and her husband Ulde and son Carlos. That specific weekend the village was celebrating it's 49th birthday. One evening we attended the "Miss Maranura 2009" and the evening after we were drinking beer and dancing to local life music as the known Sonia Morales. A great time with great people. Muchas gracias!!
Clotilde, Ulde & Carlos
Mango is what grows the most in this jungle like area
The mirador Putukusi
Machu Picchu
We made it!!!! After nearly a week in the Sacred Valley we arrived at the Machu Picchu. We left Aguas calientes at 4h30 and walked up the Inca track to arrive at the front doors at 5h50. We then spent nearly 11hours in this beautiful city, hiked up the Huyanua Picchu, around it to the Grand cavern, over to the Intipunko, the Inca bridge...we explored every corner and just couldn't get enough of it. A magical moment...
On the history side of this place we're sure you all know everything you need to. If not, you'll need to wait until we're back to explain it to you.
Cette pierre à la forme de la montagne en fond. C'est le fameux Wayna Picchu.
The stone has the form of the mountain. In this case it's the Huyana Picch. You can several like this all over the city.